We believe in the less-is-more approach to supplementation. Many supplement companies are packing their products with hundreds of ingredients, many of which are unproven. This results in polluted products with fractional doses of nutrients. Do micrograms of exotic flowers or barley grass really increase my performance? Probably not.

Here at Fasted Athlete, we believe in a minimalist approach to supplementation. Let’s get most of our nutrients from high-quality foods and supplement the rest. We only include the best ingredients possible and we are fully transparent. No weird proprietary blends or fillers. Only what you need, nothing you don’t. We encourage anyone interested in the benefits of Fasted Athlete products to do their research on our ingredients. We are confident in what you will find.

Lion’s Mane Mushroom

Mental Focus

Energy Boost

Cellular Repair

Recently, there has been a wave of scientific research showing the health benefits that may be related to lion’s mane mushrooms. Researchers have found that this mushroom may help increase memory function, promote cellular nerve growth, and increase mental focus. We use a potent extract of the lion’s mane mushroom so you get all of what you need and nothing else.

Intermittent Fasting Explained

What’s in the name? Why is it Fasted Athlete?

At Fasted Athlete, we believe that there are multiple lifestyles and food choices that can lead to great health. Whether that is intermittent fasting, keto, paleo, vegan, carnivore, etc. Experimenting with several different ways of eating can help you find the one that is right for you. The key is to be brutally honest with yourself. How do you feel? Is this sustainable over time? Does this promote long term health? Take note of changes in your energy levels and body composition. Do this for 3-6 months and evaluate.

Most of us here at Fasted Athlete practice a form of intermittent fasting. If you feel inclined to try, we encourage you to research it for yourself and decide if it’s a fit. Start with shorter fasts and work your way up. Most people don’t eat while they sleep, so you got 8 hours there. Stop eating 2 hours before bedtime, push your breakfast out 2 hours, and have your straight, black coffee/tea in the morning. Pretty simple right?

Whatever you're down with, if it works and you’re happy, we are down with it. Lift is incredibly effective regardless of your eating lifestyle. Practice intermittent fasting? Great, Lift won’t break your fast. Perhaps you are keto or carnivore or vegan? No problem, Lift compliments those as well.

Here’s a few scientifically backed health benefits associated with intermittent fasting.

  • May help boost mental focus.
  • May contribute to leaner body composition.
  • May help improve digestion.
  • May help stabilize insulin levels.
  • May help in the cellular regeneration process.
  • May help decrease inflammation.
  • May contribute to sustained energy throughout the day.
  • May contribute to the body burning stored fat.